Thursday, April 19, 2018


Imagine, if you will, what you would do if you for whatever reason, you found yourself cast out, ostracized, and disconnected from all you held dear - your family, your friends, your community. Whether it happened as the result of a choice you made, or because of circumstances beyond your control. Or perhaps others’ perception that you were no longer worthy to be a part of it.

If you have never experienced it, then you are among the rare and highly fortunate few. But again, try for just a moment to imagine your life without the people and things that define you. How painful and isolating that must be.

No matter our background, culture, or beliefs, I believe our common thread as human beings is our need to connect to one another. To have a sense of belonging, and a sense of community.

The notions of “home” and “neighbor” are so much more than just having a roof over one’s head. That is why the notion of the Howell homeless encampment, a community of the disenfranchised, being uprooted as the Lakewood tent city was years ago, rends my heart on a profound level.

Because I believe nearly every human being has, at some point in their lives, felt a sense of loneliness so powerful that it rocks the foundation of who we are. It makes us question and doubt ourselves and our very identity. After spending a good deal of time with the residents, I know that is what the people of Tent City are feeling right now.

That is why I call upon not only the leaders of Howell Township as well as the community at large to look deeply into your hearts, find it within yourselves step outside your respective comfort zones. And after you look deeply into your own hearts, raise your eyes, and without fear or reservation, look into the hearts of others. Get to know the people who comprise Destiny's Bridge. They are not as different from us as you may believe.

They have created a true community, an alternative to traditional homeless shelters - something sustainable, comprehensive, and dignifying. A sustainable community where people uphold and support one another - one that you can proudly say are YOUR neighbors.

I truly hope that the Howell community at large does not permit profits to come before people, and that Howell will continue to work with Destiny's Bridge towards a mutually beneficial solution.

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